Mouse Gene Gabra3 (uc009tkp.2) Description and Page Index
  Description: gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-3
Transcript (Including UTRs)
   Position: mm9 chrX:69,678,015-69,901,585 Size: 223,571 Total Exon Count: 10 Strand: -
Coding Region
   Position: mm9 chrX:69,679,988-69,798,155 Size: 118,168 Coding Exon Count: 9 

Page IndexSequence and LinksUniProtKB CommentsCTDMicroarray ExpressionRNA Structure
Protein StructureOther SpeciesmRNA DescriptionsPathwaysOther NamesModel Information
Data last updated: 2011-03-03

-  Sequence and Links to Tools and Databases
Genomic Sequence (chrX:69,678,015-69,901,585)mRNA (may differ from genome)Protein (492 aa)
Gene SorterGenome BrowserOther Species FASTAVisiGeneTable SchemaAllen Brain Atlas
BioGPSCGAPEnsemblEntrez GeneExonPrimerGeneCards
GeneNetworkMGIPubMedStanford SOURCEUniProtKB

+  Comments and Description Text from UniProtKB
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-  Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)
  The following chemicals interact with this gene           more ... click here to view the complete list

-  Microarray Expression Data
Expression ratio colors:

GNF Expression Atlas 2 Data from GNF1M Mouse Chip


Rinn et. al Sex Gene Expression Data on MOE430A Chip


GNF Expression Atlas Data from U74a Mouse Chip


+  mRNA Secondary Structure of 3' and 5' UTRs
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-  Protein Domain and Structure Information
  InterPro Domains: Graphical view of domain structure
IPR006028 - GABAA_rcpt
IPR001390 - GABAAa_rcpt
IPR005433 - GABBAa3_rcpt
IPR006202 - Neur_chan_lig-bd
IPR006201 - Neur_channel
IPR006029 - Neurotrans-gated_channel_TM
IPR018000 - Neurotransmitter_ion_chnl_CS

Pfam Domains:
PF02931 - Neurotransmitter-gated ion-channel ligand binding domain
PF02932 - Neurotransmitter-gated ion-channel transmembrane region

SCOP Domains:
63712 - Nicotinic receptor ligand binding domain-like
90112 - Neurotransmitter-gated ion-channel transmembrane pore

ModBase Predicted Comparative 3D Structure on B1B015
The pictures above may be empty if there is no ModBase structure for the protein. The ModBase structure frequently covers just a fragment of the protein. You may be asked to log onto ModBase the first time you click on the pictures. It is simplest after logging in to just click on the picture again to get to the specific info on that model.

-  Orthologous Genes in Other Species
  Orthologies between human, mouse, and rat are computed by taking the best BLASTP hit, and filtering out non-syntenic hits. For more distant species reciprocal-best BLASTP hits are used. Note that the absence of an ortholog in the table below may reflect incomplete annotations in the other species rather than a true absence of the orthologous gene.
HumanRatZebrafishD. melanogasterC. elegansS. cerevisiae
Genome BrowserNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo orthologNo ortholog
Gene Details     
Gene Sorter     
Protein Sequence     

+  Descriptions from all associated GenBank mRNAs
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+  Biochemical and Signaling Pathways
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-  Other Names for This Gene
  Alternate Gene Symbols: B1B015, B1B015_MOUSE, mCG_51849, NM_008067, NP_032093, RP23-272G10.1-001, uc009tkp.1
UCSC ID: uc009tkp.2
RefSeq Accession: NM_008067
Protein: B1B015 CCDS: CCDS30187.1

-  Gene Model Information
category: coding nonsense-mediated-decay: no RNA accession: NM_008067.4
exon count: 10CDS single in 3' UTR: no RNA size: 3727
ORF size: 1479CDS single in intron: no Alignment % ID: 100.00
txCdsPredict score: 2988.50frame shift in genome: no % Coverage: 100.00
has start codon: yes stop codon in genome: no # of Alignments: 1
has end codon: yes retained intron: no # AT/AC introns 0
selenocysteine: no end bleed into intron: 0# strange splices: 0
Click here for a detailed description of the fields of the table above.

-  Methods, Credits, and Use Restrictions
  Click here for details on how this gene model was made and data restrictions if any.