This track depicts gaps in the assembly.
Many of these gaps — with the
exception of intractable heterochromatic gaps — may be closed during the
finishing process.
Gaps are represented as black boxes in this track.
If the relative order and orientation of the contigs on either side
of the gap is known, it is a bridged gap and a white line is drawn
through the black box representing the gap.
This assembly was sequenced with paired reads taken from
plasmids of various sizes.
Overlapping reads were merged into contigs,
and pairing information was then used to join the contigs into scaffolds.
The gap sizes are estimated from the size of the
with a minimum gap size of 20.
This assembly contains the following types of gaps:
- Contig - gaps of size 20 to 50000. These are bridged gaps between
map contigs.
- Scaffold - gaps greater than 50000 in size. These are unbridged gaps
between scaffolds.