The FOX2 CLIP-seq track shows adaptor-trimmed CLIP-seq reads that mapped
uniquely to the repeat-masked human genome (hg17). The reads were converted
to hg18 coordinates using the UCSC LiftOver tool. Reads on the forward
strand are displayed in blue; those on the reverse strand are shown in red.
Cross-linking immunoprecipitation coupled with high-throughput
sequencing (CLIP-seq) of cell type-specific splicing regulator FOX2
(also known as RBM9) was performed in human embryonic stem cells.
MosaikAligner was utilized to align the reads to the repeat-masked
Briefly, HUES6 human embryonic stem cells were treated with UV irradiation to
stabilize in vivo protein-RNA interactions, followed by antibody-mediated
precipitation of specific RNA-protein complexes. SDS-PAGE was then utilized
to isolate protein-RNA adducts after RNA trimming with nuclease, 3'RNA linkers
were ligated, and nucleotides were 5' end labeled with γ-32P-ATP.
Recovered RNA was ligated to a 5' linker before amplification by RT-PCR.
Both linkers were designed to be compatible with Illumina 1G genome analyzer
sequencing. Approximately 4 million reads were uniquely mapped to the
repeat-masked human genome by MosaikAligner.
To identify CLIP clusters, we performed the following steps: (i) CLIP reads
were associated with protein-coding genes as defined by the region from the
annotated transcriptional start to the end of each gene locus. (ii) CLIP reads
were separated into the categories of sense or antisense to the transcriptional
direction of the gene. (iii) Sense CLIP reads were extended by 100 nt in the
5'-to-3' direction. The height of each nucleotide position is the number of
reads that overlap that position. (iv) The count distribution of heights is as
follows from 1, 2, ...h, ...H-1, H: {n1,
n2, ...nh, ...nH-1,
nH; N = Σni
(i = 1:H)}. For a particular height, h, the associated
probability of observing a height of at least h is
Ph = Σni(i = h:H)
/N. (v) We computed the background frequency after randomly placing the same number of
extended reads within the gene for 100 iterations. This controls for the length of the gene
and the number of reads. For each iteration, the count distribution and
probabilities for the randomly placed reads (Ph,random) was generated as in
step (iv). (vi) Our modified FDR for a peak height was computed as FDR(h) =
(μh + σh)/Ph, where μh and
σh is the average and s.d., respectively, of Ph,random
across the 100 iterations. For each gene loci, we chose a threshold peak height h*
as the smallest height equivalent to FDR(h*) < 0.001.
We identified FOX2 binding clusters by grouping nucleotide positions satisfying
h > h* and occurred within 50 nt of each other.
For further details of the method used to generate this annotation
please refer to Yeo et al. (2009).
Thanks to Gene Yeo at the University of California, San Diego for
providing this annotation. For additional information on FOX2 CLIP-seq reads,
please contact
edu directly.
Yeo GW, Coufal NG, Liang YL, Peng GE, Fu XD, Gage FH.
An RNA code for the FOX2 splicing regulator revealed by mapping RNA-protein
interactions in stem cells. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2009 Jan 11;16:130-137.