Patch release 13 is the thirteenth patch release for the GRCh37 assembly.
This is a minor release of GRCh37 that does not disrupt the coordinate
system in the reference sequence GRCh37.
All but four patch scaffolds from patch releases 1-12 were retained.
Between patch release 12 and patch release 13:
10 patch scaffolds of type FIX were added.
14 patch scaffolds of type FIX were updated.
1 patch scaffold of type NOVEL was updated.
Total patch scaffolds in this patch release: 204
Patch scaffolds of type FIX: 131
Patch scaffolds of type NOVEL: 73
Genome Patch:
A sequence contig/scaffold that corrects sequence
in a major release of the genome, or adds sequence to it.
FIX patch:
A patch that corrects sequence or reduces an assembly gap
in a given major release. FIX patch sequences are meant to be
incorporated into the primary or existing alt-loci assembly units at
the next major release, and their accessions will then be
NOVEL patch:
A patch that adds sequence to a major release. Typically,
NOVEL patch sequences are meant to be incorporated into the assembly
as new alternate loci at the next major release, and their
accessions will not be deprecated (UCSC term: "new haplotype sequence").